[FIRST NAME GOES HERE]: Read Carolina's success story. Here's what employers share with her...

Published over 3 years ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader

One of my coaching clients shared this success story with me. I am publishing it with her permission:

"Hi Chris,

I wanted to tell you I had three phone calls last week (Anja, Ronald and Inke). The first two went well even though Anja told me she needs someone who brings specific experience in UE fundraising (which I don't have so far), and Ronald was very clear about the work permit in the Netherlands. With Inke, I felt really well. She was interested in my experience and asked me some questions about my background. Let's see how it ends up.“

Carolina Gamez-Argote

Carolina has a real gift for finding the real decision makers behind a job offer. Every week she sends me a list of 5 names. I reach out to these managers on her behalf. I do this in a transparent manner. I tell the managers that I am a business coach and work with international professionals. I tell them that one of my coaching clients is interested in a job that they have to offer. Then I ask them if they would be willing to talk to my coaching clients.

Then I introduce those managers that agree to my coaching client. Carolina is extremely good at finding the right contact person. Last week 4 out of 5 contacts agreed to talk to her within 24 hours! (That’s extraordinary. My long-term average is 35% within 14 days.)

Carolina also makes great use of her time with the manager. She doesn’t “sell” herself. Instead she asks questions. She tries to really understand the specific needs of this manager. And then she shares experiences from her career where she helped other employers solve similar problems. And the managers love it.

Carolina’s message above is an excellent example for the level of detail that is required to get a job. The gold is always in the specifics!

This year all my coaching seats are fully booked. But I will open my “Expats Job Offer by Summer” program:

  • We start on 1. February 2021.
  • There are only 8 seats.
  • Each seat is more expensive than the previous one

(Secure your seat now, to spend as little as possible.)

If you like me to introduce you to managers of your choice – and help you to talk to managers in a way that makes sense in the German business culture:

Secure your seat for my “Expats Job Offer by Summer” program!

I wish you success.


Chris Pyak
How To Win Jobs & Influence Germans

Subscribe to Immigrant Spirit - Finding English jobs in Germany!

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